The NLNG Staff Co-operative Investment and Credit Society “NLNG COOP” is a socio-economic organization of NLNG staff and staff of NLNG subsidiaries formed to promote the economic interest of members especially leveraging on its number and collective expertise in achieving value for members which would not be possible by just an individual.

NLNGCOOP is a financial entity where staffs of NLNG who have mutual goals voluntarily come together to meet their common economic and social needs having membership of over 1,000 and balance sheet size over 12 Billion as at 2020.

  • Opportunity to inculcate a savings culture, with the highest interest compared to any financial institution.
  • Lowest market interest rate on loan products.
  • Opportunities to procure properties, goods and services at bulk discount rates and payment plans, e.g cars, and houses
  • Investment opportunities with high returns compared to money markets and mutual funds.
  • Opportunity to develop leadership skill by volunteering to serve in various capacities in Management committees
  • Additional income via annual dividend payments and investment returns from Special Purpose vehicle Companies owned by Coop members
  • High dividends payment on investment via our Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV)

Our core business processes include:
  • Benefits: (Shared dividend, Loans, 4% interest on Savings, Phones 4 U etc).
  • Finance: (Savings, Loans).
  • Enterprise: Real Estate (Reef Court, Rivtaf etc.)

To become a member first:
  • Log onto the coop website ( and fill the registration form with the required details.
  • You will be required to pay the sum of Five hundred and twenty thousand naira only (being NGN500,000.00  equity and NGN20,000.00 registration fee.)

  • Increased income via savings.
  • Entitled to loans at a competitive rate.
  • Access to products and services at a cheaper rate.
  • Flat rate dividend per annum.

  • Click on Login at the top-right menu
  • Click on reset password
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